Transition and Adult Services
Programs and services targeted to 14yr+ students and adults recommended by Brookline SEPAC members. Please email if you have items to add or comments on programs listed.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act - (WIOA) P.L. 113-128, 2014 mandates services for youth and young adults (ages 14-24) with disabilities, including those with psychiatric disabilities or serious mental health conditions, to help them prepare for, obtain and pursue careers in integrated settings that offer competitive salaries and benefits. This tip sheet provides information that parents can use to advocate for and educate themselves about WIOA services that are available to youth and young adults living with serious mental health conditions.
The LINK Center- connects families, professionals and individuals with disabilities who are of transition age (14-26) with information, supports, and services to achieve students’ future visions. Transition can be an overwhelming process as one plans for life after high school. The LINK Center and the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission have developed an overview of available Transition services and procedures in Massachusetts.
Mass Vocational Rehabilitation - The Vocational Rehabilitation Program helps job seekers with disabilities obtain and maintain a job. Vocational rehabilitation helps people with physical, cognitive, intellectual or mental health conditions manage the modern workplace.
Mass Vocational Rehabilitation - The Vocational Rehabilitation Program helps job seekers with disabilities obtain and maintain a job. Vocational rehabilitation helps people with physical, cognitive, intellectual or mental health conditions manage the modern workplace.
College for Students with Disabilities - a guide to help students with disabilities and their parents better understand their rights and responsibilities in regard to a postsecondary education. You will also find useful tips and information for locating the college or university program that best suits your needs.
Paying for College for People with Disabilities - a guide to programs designed to assist people with disabilities pay for college.