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Baker School
Contacts Baker School: Image
We strive to give you up to date information and contacts.
Please let us know if any of this information is incorrect by emailing
Interim Principal - Saeed Ola
Vice Principal (K-5) - Joshua Howe
Vice Principal (6-8) - Alison Henry
Special Education Director - Anna Bauer-McTigue
Educational Team Facilitator - Danielle Baker
Guidance (K-2) - Alexa Cuff
Guidance (3-5) - Jeanette Sergeant
Guidance (6-8) - Katy Sazama
Psychologist - Bernadette Russomano
School Adjustment Counselor - Latia Van Loan
Nurse - Ellyn Mulock
Nurse - Diane Purcell
SEPAC Liaisons - Linda Monach & Julie Jette
Contacts Baker School: List
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